Friday, August 31, 2012

August Shaffer

Penname: August Shaffer Profile

August is one of the few writers who are entirely Team Jacob. She loves his character, and as a reader, you can see it in her writing. August is an amazing and lovely person and she cherishes every single one of her readers.

Important Note - She won in the 2012 Jacob Black-n-Pack Awards, Favorite All-Human Story - 2nd Place for - Mr. Uncertain. Congratulations honey! A well deserved win. 

Here we are with the interview. :)

Astrid: Hey August
August:  Hi Astrid
Astrid: Thank you for agreeing to be interviewed by me. I'm so unbelievably happy that you said yes.
August:  Are you kidding? I'm the one who is flattered.
Astrid:  :) So, let's hop right on in there...
How long have you been reading Twilight Fanfiction?
August:  Hmm... Let's see, at least 3 years.
Astrid:  Were you able to catch any of that "Team Edward vs Team Jacob" stuff?
August:  A little bit.
Astrid:  I'm always sorry I missed it. Apparently girls went NUTS.
August:  I mostly just read and left the name calling and mudslinging for the younger fans.
Astrid:  Lol. I understand that. It would have been like watching Jerry Springer.
August:  It was indeed crazy!

Astrid:  How did you find out about fanfiction?
August:  Well, a few years back and I mean, quite a few, I use to enjoy reading Buffy Fanfiction. After I read Breaking Dawn I got to wondering if there was any fanfiction for these books. I went to google search and BAM! I was amazed at how much I found.
Astrid:  I bet. If I remember right, there was talk that some Edward fans didn't like the ending. It wasn't only the Jacob lovers.
August:  Really? I'm surprised by that.
Astrid: Yeah, some of my friends in RL that read the books, they didn't like the idea of the spawn.
August:  Good to know that both teams felt cheated.
Astrid:  Biologically they couldn't see how it happened and they were miffed.
August:  I seriously felt like she tried to put too much in that book. Like she wanted to give everyone a happy ending of sorts, but didn't really think it all out.
Astrid:  Yeah. She failed anyway. Terrible endings for all.
August:  I actually threw the book across the room after I read it.
Astrid:  Lol! Me too! *high five*
August:  *high five*

Astrid:  How long have you been writing fanfiction?
August:  I think around 2 years. Not real sure. Once I joined a site I felt comfortable in, I thought I would give it a shot. I didn't expect my first try to be too good, cause I was new to it all, but I got great support.
Astrid:  That's awesome. What inspired you to write your first fanfiction? Was it something in one of the books? Or was your first fanfiction of another fandom?
August:  Honestly, I wrote a couple of Buffy and did really well with it. Then RL got in the way, and I left it behind. So when I came across the site where anyone could post that joined, I thought why not give it a shot and I looked at all the stories being written at the time and decided to do something different. I didn't want to be compared to some of the really great writers I had read or seen. I didn't want to have a storyline that was too close to someone else's. I never wanted to be accused of stealing someone else's idea. So, I wrote Inheritance, which was all human story set in Vegas, and created my own story line but used SM characters.

Astrid:  That brings me to my next question, do you have a preference? AH/AU or AU?
Whether it be writing or reading.
August:  AH is easier with the creative process. You run less chance of writing something too familiar. I love reading all kinds of stories, but normally I feel more comfortable writing AH.
Astrid:  Because AU has the whole supernatural aspect that you have to take into account, I can see how writing AH would enable a more creative story. Jake wouldn’t be in danger of phasing when he kicked some dudes ass.
August:  Exactly! I envy people who can write it, but I fear anything I write won't be as good in comparison. I have a few I have written but I always freak out that it's not going to be as good as the readers are expecting.
Astrid:  I think your writing is amazing, so no worries there.
August:  Aww. Thanks hon. :)

Astrid:  Did you read all of S.M.'s books? If you had to pick, which one was your favorite? Why?
August:  I read all of her Twilight books, and I would have to say that Eclipse was my favorite. Bella and Jake shared the kiss that showed their future possibilities, and she finally admits her feelings for Jake.
(Plus, the tent scene was funny as hell and inspired many great fanfics.)
But of course, it ended horribly for us when Bella made her final choice. I really had hoped in that book that Bella would finally come to her senses and see what was right in front of her.
Astrid: I don’t remember much of Eclipse. Not going to lie. I think I blocked most of it out. That book was hard to read, at least for me. Because I knew there was another book, and a vamp baby was coming up... I knew her choice.
August:  See I didn't know, so I was blindly optimistic.
Astrid:  My sister ruined it for me... Maybe that’s why it was sour for me to read.
August:  I kept thinking why would she create a wonderful character like Jake if not to prove to Bella or to Edward that Bella deserved to live out her life as a human.
Astrid:  *sad sigh* I know right.
August:  Yep.
Astrid:  On one hand I'm glad that I knew, because if not? And that shithole ending came along? I think I would have found SM and kicked her ass.
August:  Lol! I really felt that she was being pressured, either by her fans or her editor, to keep the Bella/Edward romance going after that book.
Astrid:  This might sound weird coming from me, I'm not known for my love of Corpse boy, but I think she shoulda quit with Twilight. And I know, I know, if she quit with Twilight then we wouldn’t have such back story on Jake; but man! He suffered a fuck ton in those books.
August:  I think in her crazy head she convinced herself that she was doing a good thing by making Nessie, Jake's imprint. So he would always be a part of Bella's life. Ultimately it just didn't make sense and made it seem more selfish this way... I agree with that. I mean, why create such wonderful characters, like Jake and Leah, and not give us the readers a HEA for such knock about people. Jacob was the underdog that much was evident. Edward always brought danger with him, while Jake was always saving her life.
Astrid:  Gah! I hate Corpse boy.
August:  I won't lie, when I read Twilight, I liked Edward's character. I’ve been a big fan of Vampires; but then I met Jake and I was like, ‘Edward who?’
The further the books went with Ed's character; I noticed how she was giving young girls mixed signals when it came to young love. I did like how he fought to keep her human; but beyond that, I wanted to put a stake in his heart.
Astrid:  Lol!
August:  I kept hoping he would do the mature thing, and leave her behind forever, but nooo, he couldn't live without her. Bullshit.

Astrid:  Right, *rolls eyes* Fuckin’ corpse boy.
What did you think about Bella as the Twilight Saga progressed?
August:  At first I was in love with her. I mean she was a normal girl, not a beautiful exotic looking girl who could have any boy she wanted type - I hate those - and she seemed so mature and sensible. Not a cheerleader or homecoming queen type.
Then I started to see how much she wanted to be like the Cullen's because she was jealous of their eternal youth and powers. It irked me that she began to seem a little more and more like a junkie. She wanted that fix so damn bad, and I still think it was the only reason she chose Ed over Jake. She couldn't become a wolf or live forever with him. I mean she was willing to hurt her parents, who throughout the books, she was trying to protect from the bad vampires, when it was really her who did the worst damage.
Astrid:  Yeah, that was a pretty shit thing about her.
August:  Pissed me off. It was saying to the youth it's okay to turn your back on your parents once you meet the right guy.
Astrid:  She was an emotional black hole - take, take, and take. Selfish.
August:  I know right! She wanted Edward and Jake. She acted like it was hard to be without either one of them. When the final choice came, and she knew it would make her enemies with her best friend, Jake, she did it anyway.
Astrid:  She couldn’t be without Edward, but she was getting better without him and his sparkle vampire dazzle juju.
August:  That's selfish and cruel. I do think there was some major dazzle going on with Ed and his whole family. She was always around them. Only Rosalie knew her choice was not only reckless but would eventually be her biggest regret.
Astrid:  Hell, in New Moon, she was still going through withdrawals like a junkie, but Jacob was there for her and helped her. Right until Alice showed up. One whiff of that vampire dazzle crack, Boom! She was a goner.
August:  Exactly! And when we hear her talking to Alice in email, she even said she was starting to heal but then SM wrote Jake being busy and away from her, giving her time to be lonely enough to go and do something stupid.

Astrid:  Yep. I agree.
What did you think about the Cullen Coven members as the saga progressed?
August:  Hmm... Well, at first I really liked Alice. I thought she was kooky, but a fun character. Rosalie came off as the major bitch, but when we learned of her history and why she was so dead set against Bella, I fell in love with her. Emmett was not only hot, but hilarious. While Jasper often looked in pain, you had to feel sorry for the guy. I like Esme. She was so maternal and sweet. I really hated that Carlisle was so quick to agree to Bella's choice just to keep Edward alive. I thought that was a bit selfish on his part. I think Alice should have told Bella of a future she could have had with Jake. I mean if Bella could see it in a kiss how come Alice couldn't?
Astrid:  I think maybe it was because she didn't want to or couldn't see it. A future disappearing usually meant death for that thing called Alice. (Hate her). Or the whole, she couldn’t see it because it dealt with a pack member thing.
August:  Then how did she see the jump to begin with? It was in La Push with the wolves all around her?
Astrid:  Lmao! I've asked myself that time and time again. Especially when in Eclipse, doesn't he tell her that they can't see her once she crosses into the Res?
August:  Another major boo boo.

Astrid:  Lots of those in the books, aren’t there? ;)
Do you think there was any part in any of the books where Bella should have just walked away from Edward? Which one stands out?
August:  Geez there were several but my breaking point would have been when she learned about him taking her out of town to see her mom and withholding about Victoria. He was telling her who she could see or not and then not being truthful with her. Sometimes he treated her like a parent instead of a boyfriend.
Astrid:  Very controlling. Abusive behavior. Manipulated and emotionally abused, in my opinion.
August:  Definitely.
Astrid:  Is that what SM thinks a romantic relationship is like?
August:  And the stalking; got to love the way he would slip into her room just to watch her sleep. Like I said some major mixed signals for impressionable young girls to read. As an adult, I knew I wouldn't put up with that crap.
Astrid:  People thought that was romance! Dude, there's some older women who find Edward as the ultimate "man boy corpse" - whatever the hell he is. I don’t see how.
August:  Lol. He wasn't a bad boy in the sexy sense. Hell, he was a virgin for god's sake. The boy didn't cuss; he just got to look young forever and act all righteous and play the poor pity me act.
Astrid:  Issues there too. The kid was a virgin and SM made him a sex god in BD. Uh, no.
August:  Lol! Right.
Astrid:  I’ve said this before, and it’s a theory that I’m sticking to. He would have been a two pump chump for eternity.
August:  Every time they kissed it looked so painful. How could Bella handle the coldness of him when she tells you from the start of the book she didn't like cold things? Wouldn't his penis have been like screwing a Popsicle?
Astrid:  Lol!
August:  I'm just wondering.
Astrid:  I know right. I thought about that too. Did the warm water from the ocean thaw him out during their honeymoon "swim"?
August:  And how does he create semen? Wouldn't it be like poison to her vagina? Have sex with a vamp, Boom! you're a vamp!And it not be poison to her vagina?
Astrid:  Lmao! Yeah, that’s what I thought. Wouldn’t it be venom, not semen? Actually someone posted a tumblr about his sperm. Gross. Gross. Ew.
August:  The new way to become one of the living dead. No longer need the bite, just the semen. 
Astrid:  Lol! A new meaning to "fuck her to death".
August:  Lol! Love that. - What happens if she gave him a blow job? I would hope she doesn't swallow. Another way to turn her. 
Astrid:  I read a fic once where vamp semen tasted like almondsI was like what the hell! 
*dies laughing*
August:  OMG! Almonds? Copper maybe but almonds?
Astrid:  Yeah.
August:  That's creative, I suppose, but an odd flavor.
Astrid:  They wrote, 'his come tasted like sweet almonds...'
August:  Lol!
Astrid:  Lol!
August:  I like to know what semen they've tasted. I wouldn't describe the flavor as almonds, that's for damn sure. Because I can eat almonds by the handful. Just saying.
Astrid:  You just cracked me up...
Oh man... I lost my spot in the interview... Lol!
August:  Lol! Sorry didn't mean to get too personal there.
Astrid:  No worries. I've tasted come before, and it's never tasted like almonds. If it did, I'd be more of a swallower myself. 
August:  Right!

Astrid:  If Jacob wasn’t an option for Bella, who do you think (out of all the pack members and none of them are imprinted) would have been a good match for her? Why did you pick him/her?
August:  Embry! Embry was a soft sort of guy but also very funny and loyal. Now, if Seth had been older I would pick him. He is so much like Jake.
Astrid:  Yeah. Good picks by the way. :)
August:  I know a lot of readers love the idea of Paul/Bella, but I honestly think they are too much of opposites in reality. However, I understand why so many still like to indulge in the fantasy.

Astrid:  I think Paul's appeal is how he is pretty much a blank slate, and what we do know about him is his anger, which is equated with a bad boy image. 
Do you remember the first fanfic you read? What did you like the most about it?
August:  I want to say that was Never too Late by Spiritmcinnamon? I liked how she showed us a few years later into their lives and gave us new characters to enjoy. It was still basically SM's characters, but she wrote the adult version of what could have been. Plus, it was my first taste of what it would be like if Jake had imprinted on someone after all, but we learned later that imprint really didn't happen.
Astrid:  I know which one you're talking about. I haven’t read it.
August:  It's my all time favorite story!
Astrid:  It’s complete now.
August:  So excited to hear that. So many good stories start off at a good pace and then something happens in the Author's RL and prevents them from finishing or posting for months.
Astrid:  I know. I understand RL gets hard and sometimes you just can't write
August:  Oh I know, cause I still have several WIP's myself.
Astrid:  There are times when I think an A.N. helps readers know that the fic isn't abandoned.
August:  I agree.
Astrid:  like a story that I was in love with, and it hasn't been updated in over a year. No A.N. No nothing. 
August:  Not one of mine is it? Lol!
Astrid:  Lol. No, not you. But she replies to PM's. Well, she replied months later.
August:  Good. I was thinking, I'm a few months behind not a whole year yet... It's like buying a book and you start reading it and suddenly on page 165 and on you find nothing but blank pages.
Astrid:  Yeah. Sometimes though, it can be reviewers. Rude, mean people. Or as I fondly refer to them, 'canon loving twats'.
August:  I've been hurt by a few, especially when I first starting writingI even yank my stories for awhile until a couple of friends offered to help beta for me and insisted that you can't win them all. Then I thought to myself, hey they are getting a free read, not paying me a damn dime, don't like it, then don't open it back up.
Astrid:  I was hurt, by my first flamer, not because she didn't like the story. I don’t expect everyone to like what I write; it’s unrealistic to expect that everything you write is gold. But she personally attacked me as a person, not as a writer. I agree. Don’t like, don't fucking read.
August:  No, I learned to work on grammar issues, no one ever told me they hated my stories themselves or me for that matter but I just got tired when they would find one or two mistakes. I've read stories where Author's are glorified for their writing and found errors in the writing but I wasn't quick to tell them about that. Even published books have mistakes in them, and people are paid to look for those mistakes.
Astrid:  *sighs* Yeah. 
August:  Fanfiction for me is a world where I get to lose myself from the real crazy world I live in.
Astrid:  I agree. I write to let loose emotions and share a story or idea I had. Not to get ripped apart because someone didn't like Bella ending up with a character other than Edward. 
August:  I know what you mean.

Astrid:  *sighs* Okay, back to the questions... 
Out of the fanfics that you have written, which one is your favorite? Why?
August:  That's a hard question... Let me think... Inheritance. It has tons of grammar mistakes in it, but it was my first story and I got to create so many subplots. It reminded me of the kind of romances I read when I was younger. However, It Takes Two was fun trying to figure out who exactly got Bella and Emily pregnant.
Astrid:  I read that oneand yeah, nearly ripped my hair out. Lol.
August:  Were one or both women having Jake's baby? That was the burning question. It was also fun to write Sam/Emily as a AH couple.
Astrid:  Never was an S/E fan, but that one was goodYou made me like them together. No easy feat I tell you. Lol.
August:  ThanksI know, normally I like a little Sam/Leah action myself.

Astrid:  I prefer S/L together.  :)     
Do you find it hard to write lemons? What helps you when you write a sex scene?
August:  Are you kidding me? Hard? More like excruciating.
Astrid:  Really?
August:  I'm terrified that I added too many arms or that I'm making it sound more like I'm giving directions rather than the natural act of sex. I hate trying to come up with new words that aren't too silly for "penis" or "vagina" that won't sound offensive either.
Astrid:  Yeah that’s a hard one... Hard... Lol! Just giggled. Okay, seriously though, it is. 
August:  I envy erotic writers who can just use the words that as a reader you know they mean. My beta smacks my hand and reminds me I need to use better words than "cock".
Astrid:  Lol. Like 'peen'. If I ever saw the word peen in a fic, I'd laugh my ass off. 
August:  I can't help but laugh when I use the other wordsOne time we looked up words similar to "cock" and lord the list of slang terms is crazy funny and long as hell.
Astrid:  LolI don’t like using too many out there words. It is hard to find another word for penis. Even penis bothers me some times. It's like she's giving him a physical and asking him to cough. 
August:  Lol. One-eyed Willy.
Astrid:  Ha! That's a weird one. What about schlong... 'ride my schlong'... 'suck my pole'...
August:  Lmao! - I know lemons play a part in a romance story, but if all I read in a story is lemon scenes you have lost me as a reader. I would rather watch porn then read it.
Astrid:  I agree. Smut has its place, even in a fic.
August:  And I don't understand when two people just suddenly jump into bed without any rhyme or reason. I try to write what I can see and believe in.
Astrid:  I’ll be honest in a rated M fic, if there’s no sex I ask myself, Why was it rated M? And if the story teases and the writer alludes to sex "soon", and then doesn't deliver, I could see why someone would give up.
August:  I can see that.
Astrid:  It’s a cocktease.
August:  I've read novels before that the characters don't have sex till halfway or toward the end of the book. I agree with that too. It all depends on the story line.
Astrid:  I do love the occasional smutty OS.
August:  Oh, I agree! I love the smutty stuff from time to time. There are some readers who literally write it where I'm panting and holding onto the edge of my desk.
Astrid:  Lol. I know right. Or squirming in your chair. Wishing you had Jacob next to you. 
August:  Changing panties. Now that's when you know it's hot!

Astrid:  Lol!
In the movies, did you agree with the actors that were cast as the wolf pack? Who would you have cast differently?
August:  I agreed with the casting. I mean, a lot of people have complained that Quil isn't cute enough but come on the boy makes up for it with humor. And they can't all be drop dead gorgeous or they would be too much like the vamps. They were born to be normal boys until the Cullen’s moved into town.
Astrid:  I didn't think of it like thatPoor Tyson. He’s the black sheep of the cast. Lol. That’s mean, I know. Bad Astrid!
August:  Plus look at Bella, why would she be able to attract two of the hottest guys in the area?
What was it about her? Sure she could cook and do math but she was clumsy and didn't really dress up girly.
Astrid:  And she was a twat. Don’t forget that.
August:  She wasn't even flirty. Lol. She mumbled when she spoke.  
Astrid:  Lmfao! She mumbled. I remember. That's just tickled me. 
August:  Seriously! The girl barely spoke more than one or two words at a time and then she looked scared to death that she actually opened her mouth to speak. Like I said, she acted normal for the most part and very insecure but who wouldn't when you are dating a guy who looks hotter than you and is always going too. I hated how Alice was insisting on changing her clothes all the time like a Barbie doll

Astrid:  Don't get me started on the cunt Alice. Lol.
Favorite wolf? Why?
August:  Duh, Jacob! I love how he was so loyal to her even after she broke his heart over and over again. He sacrificed so much to prove his love for her. He was caring, compassionate, funny, and not to mention hot as sin.
Astrid:  *dreamy sigh* that he isStupid Bella.
August:  He was like the boy next door with potential to have a mix of bad boy in him. Stupid Bella!
Astrid:  What was your reaction when you read Jacob imprint on Renesmee during his POV in Breaking Dawn (book)?
August:  I was greatly disappointed. I knew that she did it to keep Jake close to Bella. I felt like she was dead set on giving Bella everything she ever wanted and it wasn't fair to Jake to be forced to not only watch Bella be a vamp in love with her hubby, but to put him in the mix of his enemy. Then to be the only pack member to imprint on a damn half breed? How could he ever look at Nessie and not see Bella or worse Edward in the girls face? I felt like for all the good deeds he did, he was punished for it.
Astrid:  He suffered so much.
August:  And would always suffer to a degree.
Astrid:  Yep. In canon, he lost the love of his life and was tied to a hybrid spawn. I can't deal with the spawn. I get irate. It's really hard for me to read BD or Post BD fics. I’ve been pleasantly surprised a few times with BD fics, but most of the time? I want to claw my eyes out.
August:  I can write them and read them as long as I know ultimately B/J will be together. If it's strictly an N/J story it will be hard to win me over. I really like the stories that make Bella suffer.
Astrid:  Lol. I think it’s the part in us that likes the idea of revenge/retribution.
August:  I mean, you know it would have to irk her to see Nessie and Jake kissing and hearing them having sex all the time.
Astrid:  No. No. No sex. Ew. Gah! No!
August:  It would be justice. Lol.
Astrid:  *covers ears and runs away*
August:  Sorry. Lol. I still believe that J/B would have been just as much an epic couple as they made B/E.

Astrid:  Even implied J/Spawn sex... UGH! *gag*
Did you have an issue with any of the imprinted pairs? (Besides Jake) did they all make sense to you?
August:  Let's face it, the Quil/Claire thing was a bit out there. My first response was "WTH?" It had to be embarrassing for poor Quil that he would find his in like a toddler. Once again SM kicked some characters in the balls over and over again.

Astrid:  Are you reading any fanfic now?
August:  I'm reading Soul Mates through Time, Love Is Blind and Butterflies and Hurricanes and The Climb, and Timing Is Everything are the main ones I've kept up with this past week.
I'm horrible about reading and like to wait until the writer has posted several chpts before I start reading. I’m not patient with waiting a week at a time for an update. LOL

Astrid:  That’s cool.
Favorite fanfic writers?
August:  LuvinJ, Jessipooks, You, Shadowlynx, Willow, Dragonfly, Diving Belle, Jusobele, and Niamh, are the ones off my head. If I see their names attached to anything I definitely take the time to check it out. I like their style of writing and they always come up with such wonderful original ideas.

Astrid:  I’m waiting on an update from Pic Buddy (Shadow). 
Favorite FF stories? Completed or not, but stories that are your absolute favs.
August:  Let’s see... Rewriting History, Prisoner of Love, Never Too Late, Stay with Me, One Night in a Tent, Leap Day Magic, Ties That Bind Us, Every Five Years of Marriage and Divine Intervention. Those are in my top ten of favs. 

Astrid:  Good list.
What do you find easier, one shots or multi chapters?
August:  Multi, definitely. I suck at OS. I envy people who can put so much story in one chpt.
Astrid:  OS's can be a challengeEmotions are a biggie. Can they be conveyed in so many words in an OS? So I understand what you mean.
August:  Exactly. I always tend to want to tell so much in a story that my OS attempts turn into a novel. I need to learn to simplify more.
Astrid:  I think multi's are good with that you can take your time, the characters can grow.
August:  If stories could be videos I know mine would be much better than they are. LOL
Astrid:  LolMine would be mostly porn.
August:  Lol!

Astrid:  Do you have a vampire(s) that you like from the Twilight books?
August:  Not really. Emmett is pretty and Jasper is interesting with his background but none of them are really my favorite anything.
Astrid:  What other fandoms do you like reading?
August:  At the moment other than Twilight, it would be Vampire Diaries. You know I'm a big Damon fan. I also like watching Teen Wolf, haven't went in search of any fanfics on it.
Astrid:  *swoon* Yes! DAMON!
*fans self* It got hot in here. 
Are you entirely Team Jacob when reading fanfics?
August:  No. I read some Embry ones and read one with Seth. And a few with Nessie in them, but only if I know the outcome is J/B.

Astrid:  How did you come up with your penname?
August:  LOL, well, my last name is Shaffer and I was born in August and I always thought it would be cool to have a different author pen name if I ever got up off my lazy ass to write. I always thought August was different and it did represent the month I was born. I even thought about naming one of my girls "August" but neither was born in that month.

Astrid:  That's interesting. :)
Favorite published book? Author?
August:  Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzergerald. I fell in love with that book and the era.
Astrid:   Good book.
Favorite types of music? Bands? Or singers?
August:  Katy Perry, Sia, Natalie Walker, Taylor Swift, Garth Brooks, Breaking Benjamin, etc. a variety. 
Astrid:  B.B.! Love them!
Favorite movies?
August:  Hope Floats (it's like the story of my life) Covenant, Underworld, Steel Magnolias and Sixteen Candles are my top 5 favs
Astrid:  Hope Floats - That movie makes me cry every single time I see it.
August:  I know right! It always gets me.
Astrid:  Does anyone in your RL know about your love of Twilight?
August:  Yes, my family and closest friends do. :)
Astrid:  One more and we're done... my ass hurts. Lol.
August:  Lol! Mine is a bit numb. 
Astrid:  You didn't take many breaks... 
I’m going to have to drop it like it's hot in a minute to wake up my ass up.
August:  Lol! I love that commercial. I have to get up and shake it when it comes on.

Astrid: Is there anything you would like to say in general? Ask? Comments for your readers?
August:  Wow... that one I will need a minute or two to think about...
Astrid:  Take your time.

August:  I would like to know from my readers which stories of mine they like the most and why? I always get people who say they love my stories but I'm always left to wonder why? I write over many different topics and would be interested to know which ones they enjoy the most. I would also like to comment on the readers who leave reviews and let them know how much it means to the writer whose only payment is those reviews. When a particular story of mine gets a high number of reviews, I will concentrate on that story the most. When I write I mainly write what I want to read about, but the readers opinions help me too. Plus keep in mind that writing is a creative outlet that I do for fun; and I hope when people read it they get as much enjoyment out of it as I did writing it. 
Astrid:  I like your response. You want to hear from your readers and I think that's awesome. Thank you so much for staying up with me. I really enjoyed this interview.
August:  No problem. Sorry it took so long. 
Astrid:  Lol. It always does. I get side tracked.
August:  I'm so flattered to even be asked.
Astrid:  Well, I think you are amazing. So, of course I was going to bug you and ask you. 
August:  I don't consider myself a great author, like most of the ones I read, but I do enjoy writing.
Astrid:  And we, your readers, love you for sharing.
August:  Thanks hon.

Thank you all for reading and getting to know the talented, August Shaffer. Big hugs! Until next time.

Monday, May 21, 2012


Penname: MrsJacobBlack9999 aka Dana Profile

Dana and I have been talking for a while now. We first got in touch through PM... I may have sent her a message demanding an update... *looks innocent*... Not my fault. Her story, It Had To Be Her, captivated me and left me wanting more. It was my 3rd Paul/Bella story, and needless to say I hounded her until she updated. She is sweet, funny, and caring. She loves Jacob and Paul (a woman after my own heart). Her lemons are amazing. Her writing is wonderful. And I’m lucky enough to be able to call her my friend. This is her first interview.


Astrid: Hi Dana!
Dana:  Hi Ast!
Astrid: Thanks for agreeing to doing this interview with me. It really means a lot.
Dana:  Of course! Anything for you, woman!
Astrid: Cool beans! Let's get right to it.
How long have you been reading Twilight fanfiction?
Dana:  Not too long. Maybe a couple years.

Astrid:  How did you find out about fanfiction?
Dana:  My best friend actually got me into it. I read a story she posted a while back and I've been hooked ever since.It was a Jacob/Bella called The Force of Gravity by HeatherMason
Astrid:  Eeep! Cool.
I don't think I've read that one before.
Dana:  It's an older fic, she posted it in 2010, I think.

Astrid:  You know me, I LOVE Jacob/Bella stories.
How long have you been writing fanfiction?
Dana:  About as long as I've been reading it, honestly. I posted a J/B fic that I ended up deleting and then came It Had To Be Her.
Astrid:  Why did you delete the J/B fic?
Dana:  I didn't like it the way it was written. It took me 14 chapters to figure out I didn't like it, but after I started writing my Paul/Bella pairing I just felt like it could be so much more. So I'm re-doing it completely, but I don't want to post it until after It Had To Be Her is done.
You know how you start working on something and then you can't for the life of you figure out where it's going? That's where I was with that one.

Astrid:  I understand.
I hope you get the muse back for it and start writing it again.
Dana:  I hope the muse comes back too. You know I love me some Jake.
I think I might make it a Dom Jake.
....... Ok, I'm wandering...
What was the question? Lol!

Astrid:  Lmao!
Effing Yum! Dom Jake? *squeals*
I'd love to read a Jacob multi fic from you. :)
Did you read all of S.M's books? If you had to pick, which one was your favorite? Why?
Dana:  I've read all of SM's books, including what she has of Midnight Sun; and I would have to say it's a toss up between New Moon and Eclipse. New Moon because that's where her relationship with Jake progressed and Eclipse because that's where she realized her feelings for him.
But she still ended up being an idiot so... Yeah.
Astrid:  I think all the hardcore wolf girls really fell into the series at New Moon.
Twilight, there wasn't much Jacob, and we didn't know where that was going, you know?
He could have just been a passing reference. Then in New Moon... *dreamy sigh*

Astrid:  What did you think about Bella as the Twilight Saga progressed?
Dana:  I really didn't have too much against her in Twilight.
I am ashamed to say that I started out on Team Edward... *hangs head*
Astrid:  Lol, I don't judge.
Dana:  Lol. But, I started to see her for what she really was. In all honesty I would compare her to an addict in New Moon. She got so strung out on Edward that she literally went through withdrawal and made everyone around her suffer for it. After she went to Volterra to save him, I was officially through with her. For the entire remainder of the series she was selfish, and manipulative, and a complete and total martyr. I just couldn't stand her anymore. She so didn't deserve Jacob's love and devotion.
Astrid:  No she didn't.
Canon Bella was the worst.
I think that's why I love Non-Canon so much, and OOC.
Dana:  Did I rant enough? Lol.
Astrid:  You’re good. And you were actually nice.
Lily called Bella a dick.
Dana:  LOL. Well she was a dick.
Astrid:  Yes she was.
Dana:  A HUGE ONE!

Astrid:  I hated her...
Okay, that brings us to the next question.
Dana:  Lol. Ok.
Astrid:  What did you think about Edward and the Cullen Coven as the Saga progressed?
Dana:  Carlisle kind of made it hard to hate him. He was genuinely a nice guy I think.
I could've lived without Esme though. Rosalie was tolerable until Breaking Dawn. She wanted Bella to live a mortal life, but then all of a sudden she's pregnant with her brother's demon spawn and she's ready to let her die to bring the thing into the world... Ugh. Moving on. I always thought Alice was weird and then she pissed me the fuck off by showing up in New Moon. I'm sure you can understand why.
Jasper and Emmett are cool. I have nothing bad to say about them. Except for maybe when Jasper tried to eat Bella. That wasn't cool.
Astrid:  Lol. Yeah.
Dana:  As for Sparkles himself? I just wanted him to die. Lol. Is that bad?
Astrid:  Lol. No, I wanted him turned into a pile of ashes since Book 1.
Dana:  OMG. Like I really wanted him on the business end of a flame thrower. He was manipulative, and controlling, and conniving, and just all around a bad guy. Yeah sure, he was chivalrous, and polite and well mannered around the grown-ups but aren't all abusive boyfriends that way? Because that's really all it was, mental abuse.
Astrid:  Yep. Couldn't agree with you more.
An abusive boyfriend is nice in front of people.
In private?
Another story. Making her feel guilty. Ugh! Talking all that shit.

Dana:  Exactly!

Astrid:  I get irate.
Dana:  I know right! Although, I'm ashamed for being blinded by the first book/movie. I came to my senses in book two. Bastard.
Astrid:  I never liked him, or Alice, or Esme. I liked Rosalie, until Breaking Dawn. Emmett was cool, and really I couldn't be too mad at Jasper for wanting to eat Bella at her birthday party. He's a fucking vampire, and she started to bleed. He was an empath in a room full of 6 other hungry vamps, one which her blood sang to. So can you imagine the bloodlust he felt?
Dana:  Her stupid ass shouldn't have been there in the first place. "Oh, you're a vampire? Bye."
Astrid:  I know right. That whole meadow scene bullshit, "I know what you are... blahblahblah." 
Sparkly Fucker. "Lets lay down in the meadow together so you can watch me glitter like a disco ball."
Can you tell I hate him?
Dana:  Lmao! Yes!

Astrid:  I get mad when I think about that sparkly S.o.B. *deep breaths*
Okay, so on with the interview. :)
Do you think there was any part in any of the books where Bella should have just walked away from Edward? Which one stands out?
Dana:  Yes. When he disabled her truck. That would have been it for me. He was so threatened by her relationship with Jake that he wouldn't even let her see him! And she LOVED her truck! And when he and Alice basically kidnapped her. I couldn't stand the whole, 'I'm making the decisions because you don't know what's best for you' bullshit. I swear I would cut him if I could!
And women think that's romantic?

Astrid:  Apparently that's what romance is all about. *cue the eye rolls please*
If Jacob wasn't an option for Bella, who (out of the entire pack, imprints don't exist) would have been a good match for her?
Dana:  OMG. You should already know the answer to that question!
Astrid:  Lol. It's an interview question woman!
Dana:  Lol. Paul, of course! Because I think he would've given her the kick in the ass she needed. Yes, Jake was patient and sweet, and caring, and was great for her. But what she really needed was somebody to wake her up. She needed someone to shake the shit out of her and say, "Stop pining over Sparkle Nuts and get the fuck over yourself!" 
I think he would have shown her that she had so much more to live for.
Astrid:  And that's where my Jacob/Paul fantasies begin...
Dana:  Lol.

Astrid:  What did you like the most about the first Twilight fanfic you read?
Dana:  Honestly the lemons stick out the most to me. Lol. I'm such a perv. She had this one that I remember so vividly it's ridiculous.
Astrid:  Lol! Details, details!
Dana:  Jake had Bella on the kitchen counter and he was eating a chocolate Mud Pie off of her. It was soooo freaking hot!
Astrid:  *fans self * It sounds hot.
When you say eat... you mean... "eat" or literally eating with a spoon and shit?
Dana:  Lol! When I say eat, I mean "eat"... like the good kind of eating.
Astrid:  Damn. That does sound hot. I see why it stands out
Dana:  Yes. THE most memorable part EVER!
Yep. Perv.

Astrid:  Lol! Perv here too, no worries.
Out of all the fanfics you've written, which one is your favorite? Why?
Dana:  That's so not fair. That's like making me choose between my kids. Lol.
Astrid:  Come on! Tell me, tell me!
Dana:  If I had to choose, I would say Dark Desires is my favorite. I just love the drama, and the intensity between Paul and Bella is literally pantie-melting.
Astrid:  Oooh, that's a good one. But I have to say my first love of your stories is It Had To Be Her. Honestly, I read it and was hooked. I think I sent you a mean PM once asking for an update. Lol! This was before i knew you of course.
Dana:  Awww. Thanks hon! Lol! You did! I remember, you had me scared. I think I updated soon after that.
Astrid:  I kept thinking, its been months, I know she's gonna update.... then you didnt and yeah...
Issues I tell you.
Dana:  OMG! I think I still might have that PM. I should post it as part of the interview. ;)

Astrid: Lmao! I might scare a few people with my brand of crazy.
Do you find it hard to write lemons?
Dana:  Mostly they're easy. It can be difficult at times if I get stuck, but I have this amazing beta that I get to bounce ideas off of. :)
Astrid:  Cool beans.
What helps you write them? Motivational wise, like music, movies, tumblrs, etc.
Dana:  Tumblrs most definitely. I get great ideas from a good picture. Mmm. Lol. But also music and RL or fantasies... TMI?

Astrid:  Lol! No, you're good.
In the movies, did you agree with the wolf pack casting? Who would you have cast differently?
Dana:  I thought they did great in casting Paul and Jake (obviously). Leah was good, now that BooBoo has grown up a bit, I say he's ok as Seth, but initially no. He just seemed too young. Quil, Embry, Jared, and Sam I would have casted a little more carefully. Sam was supposed to be 19 not 30 and they were all a little on the flabby side. They were supposed to be these huge, muscular werewolves. And huge and muscular they were not. Just sayin'. Lol.
Astrid:  Yeah, I had issues with the whole pudge-man-boobs thing. These guys were supposed to be EPIC in their masculinity. I mean at least they should have worked out. Hell, look at Alex/Paul and Taylor/Jacob. They worked out; they weren't huge but they looked damn good.
Dana:  Right! And I get that Sam was the leader but he just looked like he should be collecting a pension and not running around La Push as a giant werewolf... Maybe I'm exaggerating a little but you get my point. Lol.
Astrid:  No, you're right. And I think, and this might get stones thrown at me, Chaske should have worked out too. I mean the man has some pics where he is sexy, his smile, and overall demeanor in some pictures is sexy. Its like they lazed out for the movie.
Dana:  I have nothing against Chaske, but I just don't picture him as Sam.

Astrid:  I've seen pics of Chaske, where I'm telling you he looks (younger) but hotter. You'd have to see them.
Favorite Wolf? Why is he your favorite wolf?
Dana:  My favorite wolf? Ugh! Mean!
Jake is normally my first choice for obvious reasons, but I would have to say my favorite is Paul. I just love his swagger. He can be an asshole at times but the fact that he says what he means and means what he says, and he knows what he wants and goes for it and just that he's uber sexiness. It just draws me to him. I love his masculinity.
Astrid:  ................ Sorry, I was fantasizing about the both of them... I know right, Paul's whole character just oozes sex appeal. And Jake, RAWR, Love him.
Dana: What's not to love? He's so freaking adorable!

Astrid: *dreamy sigh* I know right...
What do you think about the whole imprinting concept?
Dana: Imprinting sucks! I get that it's some mystical mumbo jumbo that supposed to help carry on the wolf gene but it's seriously bullshit. They're already blessed/cursed with being a wolf in the first place and then if sprouting fur and a tail isn't enough they have to lie to and alienate anyone that's not in on the big secret, and then they don't even get to choose who you get to spend the rest of you life with? Geez. It's like throwing salt in one big gaping whole of an already festering wound... Can you tell I don't like it? Lol.
Astrid:  I both love and hate it. Depends on how its shown. I know SM didn't really give too much information, so its like we have free reign in fanfiction. I've read fics where its terrible and a horror (which make me cringe at the things written), and I've read some where its beautiful, unexpected, but welcomed.
Dana:  I mean honestly I think it would be better if they chose their own mates. We make it bearable because of how we choose to write it, but at the same time if we're talking about how S.M. wrote it, it sucks. Especially if the man has already decided on who he wants to be with, all of a sudden he's ripped from that person and he's supposed to be automatically happy with the woman that the spirits gave him? 
I will say this, the canon definition of imprinting sucks. The definition in fanfiction is a whole lot easier to swallow. I will take fanfiction over S.M.'s version any day.

Astrid:  Me too... So on that note...
What was your reaction when you read Jacob imprinting on Renesmee in Breaking Dawn?
Dana:  I think that's why I'm so against it in the first place (canon imprinting, that is). I could've slapped S.M. when I read it. You put Jacob through all of that bullshit and then you have the nerve to have him imprint on the demon spawn as a consolation prize? WTF?
Astrid:  Yep... Once again tied to Bella forever. Sicksicksick. I don't care, Spawn fics make me want to gag.
Dana:  I stay away from Spawn fics and generally anything having to do with the Cullen's, unless it's Jasper or Emmett.

Astrid:  Lol. I understand why.
Are you reading any fanfics now?
Dana:  Yes. Several... The Pack Imperative, Broken Black Heart, Not Your Type, Loving the Sun, You're My Home, and Through the Window... Just to name a few.
Astrid:  I've heard about Not Your Type. What's it about?
Dana:  Well it's set in the near future, Bella leaves Jake behind for fear of imprinting and heads to college then she runs into him and his gorgeous girlfriend and she meets a guy and then the craziness starts from there. It really is a great fic.

Astrid:  Cool beans. I'm gonna have to check it out. :)
Favorite fanfic writers?
Dana:  Hmmm... 
You, taoist elf, mrstrentreznor, lifelesslyndsey, beavoicenotanecho, notashamedtobe, lucyferina, shavehc... this list could get long... Lol.
Astrid:  You just made me blush. Lol.
beavoicenotanecho... her Paul/Bella, that one, just wow.
Dana:  White Blank Page.
I seriously wish she would update!
Astrid:  OMG! Me too! Lily and I were talking about it during her interview.
Dana:  I miss that story. The last time it updated Paul had just beat Sam in a battle to the death. How the hell do you leave us there?! I was deeply saddened by the lack of update. I wonder if that's how I make people feel when it takes me a month or more to update my stories...
Astrid:  *cough* Yes *cough* Lol. Just kidding.
Dana:  Lol! You're so not kidding.
Astrid:  I know you will update soon... 
*uses the Force to will that into your mind*
Dana:  Well as soon as my beta reads my chapter it will be posted. ;)
Astrid:  Yay!
Back to what we were talking about... yeah I know what you mean. He won, but did he actually "win"? Like did he kill him for real? Did Sam heal? Did he recognize Paul as Alpha? Did Emily lose her imprint? And then it ended with Paul and Bella... it was just... *yanks hair in frustration*
Dana:  I know right!

Astrid:  Lol. Sorry... got carried away...
What do you find easier to write, one shots or multi chapter fics?
Dana:  One shots are definitely easier, but I appreciate the challenge of a multi-chapter. I think it says something when you can take a story from beginning to end and still keep people interested.

Astrid:  That's a good point.
Is there a vampire that you liked or didn't mind too much from the Twilight Saga? (Not including the Cullen's. I mean the other vamps)
Dana: By the time S.M. really introduced the other good vamps I really didn't have an interest in them anymore. By then, I was pro wolf pack so I don't think I paid them much attention.

Astrid:  I can understand that.
Are you entirely Team Wolf when reading fanfictions?
Dana:  Yes, I'm entirely Team Wolf. If I'm looking for a new fic to read it's always Bella and one of the pack.

Astrid:  How did you come up with your penname? (I gotta say, I love it: MrsJacobBlack9999)
Dana:  Lol! When I joined it was right after I saw New Moon, so I automatically had to be Mrs Jake Black. There was really no other choice. But apparently, I was not the only woman who felt that way, hence the 9999 at the end of my name.

Astrid:  Cool.
Favorite published book?
Published Author?
Dana:  Oh Man... Hmmm... 
I just finished the Hunger Games Trilogy, so Suzanne Collins has the favorite spot for both right now... I don't know if I could narrow it down. I've read so many books by so many different authors and a lot of them I could read over and over. I guess if I had to point out one book it would be Addicted by Zane. One of the best books ever!

Astrid:  Favorite types of music? Bands? Singers?
Dana:  I don't know if I have a favorite type. I can listen to pretty much anything. Rock, R&B, Hip-Hop, you name it I probably like it. Everyone from Rihanna to Florence + the Machine is on my iPod.
Astrid:  Lol. Cool. Same here, big mix on my iPod.
Favorite movies?
Dana:  Hmmm... Twister, The Mummy, Coming to America, Van Helsing, the first Underworld, Halloween, The Hangover, Hot Tub Time Machine... this could go on forever...
Astrid: Lol. A small list is good. :)
Does anyone in your RL know about your Twilight/fanfiction love?
Dana:  Yes, my husband. He's the only person that knows.
Astrid:  Does he say anything about it?
Dana:  Lol. Not really. He always calls me a dork, but it's all in fun.

Astrid: Is there anything you would like to ask? Say in general? Comments for your readers?
Dana:  Well, I just want to say thank you to you for thinking I was worthy of an interview. That totally made my day.
Astrid:  Thank you for letting me interview you. And you're totally worthy, I love your stories and your Paul. As a reader of yours, I appreciate all the effort you put into it.
*uses the Force again* Update soon...
Dana:  Lol!
Astrid:  Honestly I enjoy all of these interviews and talking to you wonderful ladies. You know I hearts you woman!
Dana:  It was so much fun and I hearts you too woman!
Astrid:  Hugs!
Dana:  Hugs honey!


Links to Stories:
The Pack Imperative
Not Your Type
You're My Home
Through the Window

Links to Writers:
Taoist Elf

So, I decided that for the next one, I would ask if anyone wants to volunteer or if they have a writer they would like to see interviewed. I'll do my best to hound the writer until they cave and let me torture them with questions. Lol! Send me an email if you want to volunteer or have a writer rec for the next one: